Monday, December 29, 2008

TIme for Annual Post

yeah, the blogging hasn't been consistent around here. but here is a condensed review of the year's highlights...

January=picked up my new car. (middle youngest and youngest)

at the volvo factory in Goteberg

February=a gruelling-I mean enjoyable 3 days at Rawhide Ranch with the Brownies.


march=girl scout cookie time. (youngest middle)

a coveted booth spot at the local Trader Joe"s

in April, a bridal tea (for my eldest)

can you spy the mother-in-law-to-be (me)?

Project Runway-toilet paper bridal dresses modeled for bride-to-be (the judge):

to be continued

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


photo courtesy of hannah at bittersweet

It was a few years ago that I started this half-hearted blog on New Year's day, and nothing and everything is the same.

Still limping along with the knitting...

These were to be Christmas presents, personalized with the favorite flavor (color) of it's recipient. So far I have yet to complete the prototype Blueberry (my favorite) for my Blackberry. I can always save them for next year. I found the pattern at (hannah) bittersweet's blog when searching the internet for a cellphone cozy pattern. Thanks, hannah!

New Year's resolutions are in order:

Post to this blog once a week.

Include some knitting content, including my "beginner" exploits-I do still consider myself a beginner.

Start attending my ukulele club's jam sessions again.

Learn a new french-word-a-day. With my calendar, and this fantastic resource.

Kristin has the gift of the poet and soul of an artist.

Renew friendships with long lost friends. (Hello punks!)

Just some of my resolutions.

Happy New Year.