The latest addition to our family, my grandson, born June 18, 2006 @ 5:51pm-on Father's Day. That's the proud mom, my daughter pictured as well. I'm a grandmother for the first time!
note: I haven't posted in over one year...due to my inability to figure out the technical aspects of this blogging stuff.
Not much going on with regards to the knitting, due to my busy schedule. And the technical challenges (again). Notice a pattern here?
I have ATTEMPTED the baby ugg booties. see what i mean? i just tried the italicize function to emphasize "attempted" and now I can't get the text to de-italicize! I realize by admitting this I am demonstrating my utter ignorance-but surely I am not the only one on the web? At best, this will offer some amusement to someone out there, and eventually (that word italicized) I will figure it out. Anyway, I digress. I attempted the baby ugg booties but couldn't get gage, much less decipher the instructions. The above mentioned daughter finally took over the project-probably concerned that the baby would never get them-you can view the results at her blog Left in Stitches. I can't figure out how to put in the link! oh well, Google it. I'm currently working on the Interweave knits baby kimono sweater..I will post pics next time.